Gestapo Bondage Persuasion

The caption proclaims that the girl tied to the chair “lived through every Gestapo indignity. Then they sent a suave young SS man who specialized in the newest, most refined style of persuasion.” Huh. In what adventure-magazine fantasy universe is that wooden club “refined”?

woman tied to a chair by two nazi torturers

From an illustration for the story P.O.W. Nightmare Of A Plucky French Girl in the January 1959 issue of Men: True Adventure.

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One comment on “Gestapo Bondage Persuasion”:

RC commented on April 24th, 2022 at 4:48 pm:

The club might be only for rapping the underside of the seat of her chair, so she experiences the vibrations.

A true gentleman’s club, so to speak.

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