Their Painful Fence Ride

It is not unheard of, at least in fiction, for troublesome women to be forced to ride a picket fence, as a sort of makeshift and easy-to-find version of the classic dungeon punishment horse.


This artwork is detail from a plate by George Dola, appearing in an edition of The Adventures Of Dolly Morton.

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2 comments on “Their Painful Fence Ride”:

Don Johnson commented on April 5th, 2022 at 11:07 pm:

There is an interesting adaptation of the horse in the roughie “Chinese Torture Chamber Story” – a piston that moves up and down that er…use your imagination.

RC commented on April 7th, 2022 at 8:19 pm:

They have not been sitting on the fence for very long, but the one on the right is already in serious trouble. The point of the pickett on which she is perched has, quite by chance, managed to press into her a little in a very intimate way.

When her master returns from the toolshed, he will bring a small sledgehammer. He intends to rap it against the base of the picket, intending to send some vibrations their way, so that their pain is leavened with a little pleasure.

It is normally a good way to develop a masochistic streak in the ladies.

Except he doesn’t realize that every so often, one of his taps misses the sweet spot of the picket, and then the lady feels a sting between her legs, very similar to that of a baseball bat on the hands when the ball hits close to the top of it.

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