Submissive Side-Eyeball

The rope bondage over her flannal pajamas looks like they were just wrestle-fighting and playing around. She was probably fine with it. The very thorough gag? That came as a surprise. And if I’m correctly reading the hairy side-eyeball she’s giving the camera in this shot, taking pictures to share with the internet was not authorized in advance:

pissed off at the bondage cameraman

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4 comments on “Submissive Side-Eyeball”:

Hedgehog commented on December 11th, 2020 at 6:26 am:

my second thought was “shouldn’t the mask be covering her nose?”

Rope Guy commented on December 11th, 2020 at 12:02 pm:

Sometimes I wonder how many off-kilter reactions we’ll all have for the rest of our lives due to this damned pandemic.

RC commented on December 26th, 2020 at 10:36 pm:

The proper response to “Hey, eyes up here, Mister!”

"White Blouse FEVER"! commented on March 15th, 2021 at 12:31 am:

One (1) “correction”!:
I am VERY familiar with the web-site this is from (in the Czech Republic) and can state with CERTAINTY that (“UNFORTUNATELY”)
“Marki” (the model’s name) is NOT wearing “pajamas” {as MUCH as I would PREFER that that would BE the case!} but only a “blouse”!

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