Pillory Sexed Pair

The redhead is still mad about the pillory sex. I think she’s gonna stay mad. But the cute honey blonde has moved beyond that, and is deep into the “parsing the sensations” portion of her experience:

redhead is mad about the pillory buttsex

Art is by Tobehime.

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One comment on “Pillory Sexed Pair”:

RC commented on June 5th, 2020 at 6:34 am:

The difference in expressions results from the difference in urgency of the males behind them. The motion of the male on the left is quick and forceful. The male on the right is taking his sweet time with slow thrusts, pausing now and then to keep from finishing too soon.

When he pauses, the redhead can feel his member twitching. She’s indignant at how much he’s enjoying her.

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