The Past Is Watching Us

This cartoon appeared in a 1971 Sir magazine. Other than the laughable design of the remote control, they pretty much pegged the future (their future) of television watching in our time. Hot and cold running porn on TV on the big screen, baby!

future of TV porn, a cartoon

Caption reads “You want to watch ‘Wanda In Bondage’, ‘Orgy-In’, or a documentary on fellatio in the 21st century?”

Cartoonist is Jim Lindensmith.

Reminder to our younger readers: this is what they were actually selling for TVs in 1971:

1971 color tv

It wasn’t until 1972 that color TV sets outsold black-and-white sets.

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3 comments on “The Past Is Watching Us”:

Fr. commented on March 4th, 2020 at 9:42 am:

Maybe I’m wrong, but as far as I know, remote controls already existed at the time but didn’t have dials, and they certainly didn’t need to be held up by a freakin’ tripod. Great pic otherwise! Good find.

Rope Guy commented on March 4th, 2020 at 11:58 am:

I’ve seen a few TVs from that era that did have remotes with dials, on long cables (mechanical, like old car odometers) stretching from the remote to the TV. Never saw a tripod, though.

There were some “real” remote controls but they didn’t have deep market penetration. One system was ultrasonic … in theory … but it was prone to changing the channel if somebody jingled their keys.

Fr. commented on March 4th, 2020 at 10:08 pm:

That’s interesting! I do remember that my family’s first ever VCR had a remote control that was attached by a long wire, much like the controllers of older video game systems. Except my terminology isn’t right. It wasn’t a VC*R* because it couldn’t *R*. It could only PLAY tapes, not record. And I think it was Beta.

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