Bondage Cowgirl Ride

For cowgirl sex you don’t need your arms free, if your balance is good:

cowgirl sex in bondage

Artist is Nora Higuma.

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3 comments on “Bondage Cowgirl Ride”:

Fr. commented on November 4th, 2019 at 8:24 am:

I’m a huge, huge bondag fan.

(*cough* I assume that’s a typo.)

Love the bend in the garters! Nice detail.

Rope Guy commented on November 4th, 2019 at 11:37 am:

I have typed that word … once or twice. One assumes an error now and again is inevitable?

Anyway, thanks, and it’s fixed now.

Fr. commented on November 4th, 2019 at 9:02 pm:

What’s funny is that I at first misread it as “bondgag” and I was thinking, oh yay! A new type of gag! What is it and how does it work???

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