He Calls It “Meet Willie”

Caption on this vintage Bob Tupper cartoon has a blindfolded and bound woman asking a man who is smugly undressing himself “You and your silly games… what’s this one called?”

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Cartoon is from the April 1960 issue of Adam magazine.

Update: Oh, damn, I’ve published this cartoon before. Twice. I have a mind like a steel trap — rusty and lost in the woods. With almost 3,900 posts in the database, it’s gonna happen, especially on visual matter that doesn’t have precise attributions (like a lot of my early posts) that I can search against. But at least this time I have a source listed, so hopefully I won’t publish it a fourth time in 2022. Hopefully.

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One comment on “He Calls It “Meet Willie””:

RC commented on October 3rd, 2018 at 6:20 am:

Think of it this way: he’s tied her up like this more than once! Besides, one never gets tired of the classics!

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