Tied To Trees

The art is The Daughters of El Cid by Ignacio Pinazo Camarlech (1879):

tied to trees

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2 comments on “Tied To Trees”:

Woody B. Bishop commented on February 5th, 2013 at 7:04 pm:

I saw the movie “EL CID” with Charlton Heston and there was no mention of daughters tied to trees. Sure this isn’t some seventies WIP picture?

kalash commented on February 17th, 2013 at 7:21 am:

The original story is an spanish epic poem of XI century. In the third part of, the Cid’s daughters married with ‘infantes de Carrrion’. Then they revealed like cowards in the battle and in front of a lion. They feeled humilliated and in payback, they tied their wifes in the oakwood of Corpes, they slashed them and some more ,and let them there. This is known like “afrenta de Corpes” (Corpe’s ofense). Searching for this is easy to found more art from the XIX. The romantics likes this kind of things…

By the way, the boys were killed in the due reparation…

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