Pleasure For Two

I’ll confess to sometimes being an innocent. In numerous places I’ve seen the round ball on the end of a butt hook referred to as a “pleasure ball”, and I always parsed that as a reference to the pleasure of the person with the ball up their ass.

It never once occurred to me until today that when it’s up a woman’s ass, the pleasure ball would also provide a unique sensation to the man penetrating her pussy. This picture makes it clear what I’m talking about.

Picture found here.

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2 comments on “Pleasure For Two”:

LedLed commented on October 6th, 2011 at 10:24 am:

My partner has a “cat-tail” from KittenCream which, from the outside, looks like an everyday costume item. Actually, it has a butt-plug on it and that’s how it stays put.

By some accident of measuring, we ended up with a “large” version – and I can tell you now that, when inserted, not only is it pleasurable for the man to feel pressure there and be pushed into a different direction by it, but the woman also feels not only the plug but also the difference in position of her partner – you’re literally pushed up to the front wall because of how much it fills her rear.

It’s certainly a pretty unique toy / sensation.

slavedaisy commented on October 13th, 2011 at 1:25 pm:

The first time I had a butt plug I was secured to the steel framework headboard by a collar and my head sticking out away from the bed. The cord from the butt plug was tied to the frame just above my head. The sensation is extraordinary. My master at the time was feeding me his member into my mouth slowly back and forth and he was moving the frame headboard in rhythm as he bobbed me to add to the sensation. I recommend anyone to try it out at least once.

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