From Willfulness To Harmony

Kaya quotes somebody from FetLife on dominance and submission:


“Women are willful. Willfulness leads to being headstrong. Being headstrong leads to testing limits. Testing limits leads to disobedience. Disobedience leads to punishment. Punishment leads to submission. Submission leads to compliance. Compliance leads to harmony.”
–ObdurateDemand from Fet

Call it misogynistic bullshit if you want, there’s a buttload of truth in there as I relate to dominance and submission.

I suppose I do want to call it misogynistic bullshit, if it’s intended as a general statement, but that doesn’t mean I haven’t experienced that pattern once or twice myself.

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2 comments on “From Willfulness To Harmony”:

VeliciaL commented on June 8th, 2011 at 1:44 pm:

It *is* misogynistic, since it’s written as a blanket statement for women in general. Seriously, what about female dominants? But I’ll be damned if that’s not a succinct summation of the headstrong submissive’s plight. :P

ObdurateDemand commented on June 9th, 2011 at 6:36 pm:

It’s not intended as a blanket statement for all women, of course. The statement was made inside the context of O/p relationships. And, it merely reflects the experiences I’ve had.

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