Bondage In The News

The Tacoma News Tribune reports:

TACOMA, Wash. — Several police officers responded to a 911 report of a naked woman tied to a tree in Point Defiance Park in Tacoma.

Spokesman Mark Fulghum told The News Tribune officers talked with the woman and a man Tuesday in the Owen Beach area and determined it was a “consensual rendezvous.”

No one was arrested.

4 comments on “Bondage In The News”:

LLmonroej commented on March 5th, 2010 at 5:21 am:

I am rather surprised that no one was arrested. Usually the police of the northwest would make arrests for indecent exposure.

FSW commented on March 5th, 2010 at 2:25 pm:

What a vacancy of a sense of fun. Or was it jealousy?
Was she still tied to the tree while the cops were there?
I’d have left her that way. ;D

Akira commented on March 6th, 2010 at 4:30 am:

A relative of mine is into outdoor bondage photography and outdoor vanilla photography for fun (i.e. he does not sell or publish the photos, he just keeps them for himself) in the UK. Although he usually has a friend acting as lookout occasionally people by get past. So far (touch wood) he has never had problems, and once was passed by the police who simply gawked at the woman as they drove by, then waved at him.

Oh, and one of his favourite locations is close to a military base, so he has been overseen by soldiers often. I guess his work has done more for our soldier’s moral than sending them Jim Davidson ever did :)

Cassandra commented on March 31st, 2010 at 2:25 pm:

What’s the point of being in Point Defiance if you can’t be defiant?

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