Tinkerbelle In Bondage

I don’t want to make light of anybody’s labor dispute, but when costumed Disney workers get arrested and cuffed on national TV, the resulting bondage television is too good to ignore:

tinkerbelle handcuffed, arrested, and sitting bound

snow white in plastic handcuffs

Thanks to Jezebel for the link. But seriously, where is Corey Doctorow and Boing Boing when we need them?

2 comments on “Tinkerbelle In Bondage”:

DallasKink commented on August 18th, 2008 at 1:57 pm:

how delicious.
I expected at first glance for this to make my pants go crazy, but after closer inspection…
Those little girls don’t look old enough to do it for me… nor that cute.
Now, I *would* like a few minutes alone with that chunky female cop… so long as she is cuffed, and I have the crop in *My* hand. She looks just like the one that wrote me a 78 in a 60 last week.

danbod commented on August 19th, 2008 at 3:16 pm:

love how the girl in the green dress has her arms bound in the third pic just missing a gag

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