Bitchy Jones On Kinky Sex

Given the lofty clouds of pretension that sometimes seem to try and choke the life out of BDSM fun, especially on the internets, I found this from Bitchy Jones rather refreshing:

Sadism is not a superpower. Sadism does not maker you cleverer or better or sexier. Kinky people, in general, are not having a higher form of sex.

“Oh, BDSM is so much better than vanilla sex because it involves the brain an not just the body and the brain is the biggest sex organ, bleh-de-bleh”

*Fuck!* *Off!*

We are not having better sex. We are having stupider, expensiver, more time consuminger sex. That’s no kind of “better” that I understand.

Not better. Just different. Remember.

Mind you, having said that, I quite like it.

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