A Winter Bondage Evening

From The Red Sneaker Diaries, how to spend a winter evening:

The air is crisp and cool – it is winter, after all – and so my skin feels incredibly engaged in the experience of sitting in the tub. Hot and cold meet at the waters edge; my skin reddens deeper and deeper as I sit still. Too soon I have to get out, leaving Roi to savour the heat for a few extra moments. I towel off, check the fire, and lay some rope and shears out beside the bed. The high heels go back on – despite making me feel unstable, they make my legs look irresistible to Roi and that’s the effect I want.

He comes back in and eyes me, smiling. I direct him to the bed and he looks intrigued. Sitting him down, I grasp his wrist and lay the rope around it, slowly building a wide wrist cuff, which I tie off before guiding the excess rope behind his back and to his other wrist. I don’t have quite as much rope so the cuff is slightly smaller but just as secure.

As Roi’s eyes both defy me and dare me, I simply smile and lean into him, gently pushing him down onto the bed. His eyes widen as he understands what I’ve done – his wrists are now stuck at his sides. The slack that was between his wrists is now pinned beneath his back – he is suddenly immobilized and his eyes both thank me and curse me. His mouth opens to gripe about being bound too loosely – he feels he could get out if he really wanted to. I agree – he probably could – but I don’t let on that I believe him. Instead, I demand he lay there and I crawl up onto his face, and plant my pussy neatly onto his lips and tongue.

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