Pussy Bondage

Kaya from Under His Hand always goes further than most with her kinky blog pictures, but this time she’s outdone herself, posting an incredibly hot set showing her pussy lips held open with taped clothespins. I won’t spoil her fun by swiping them, you’ll have to go look!

I don’t know *what* possessed me to suggest duct taping my pussy open with clothespins and then fucking. Enter needy greedy masochist with a big mouth, stage left.

It was actually feeling all very, very nice. At first.

I don’t care how many times He’s been down there nosing around, it will never stop being something that makes me blush.

Likewise, no matter how many times He has me post pictures like these here, I’ll sit here with a beet red face as I do it.

Now, it turned out that when He first tried ripping my cunt lips off sticking His dick in, a few of the clothespins were poking Him and hurting His poor, poor penis.

(cue badly faked sympathy)

So He pulled a few off down there (ouch) and rearranged things up top. (double ouch)

The actual fucking part was more uncomfortable pinching pain than I expected it to be. Though I don’t know why I didn’t expect it. I mean, duh, right? I had figured it would pull, maybe even pull a clothespin off, but no. It did pull some, but His tendency to press and grind (Bastard) kept them pinching and twisting more than pulling.

One comment on “Pussy Bondage”:

kaya commented on July 20th, 2007 at 5:32 am:

Aww. Ya big lug. ;-)

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