Bondage Rembrandt

Bondage from an Old Master, in this detail from Rembrandt’s Andromeda, circa 1629:

andromeda in chains by rembrandt

Andromeda, you’ll remember, was the princess of myth who got chained to a rock and left for sea monster food.

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One comment on “Bondage Rembrandt”:

RC commented on September 5th, 2008 at 6:20 am:

In order to keep her dress from falling off, she had to be very still in her chains for many hours. Then at the sight of the beast, she flinched, and her silk wrappings came undone and slid slowly down her body. Her skin felt the tiny hairs standing erect from being charged by static electricity, and to her fear was added — arousal!

In her panic, she twisted and writhed, presenting the view first of her ass, then of her full-frontal nakedness.

It’s all a metaphor of course. The “beast” is lust, and it will have its way with her.

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