Public Tongue Bondage

In which a girl learns the perils of interrupting:

i AM learning however, not to talk over him. i have a bad habit of doing that, when there’s a point where i have a story i think would be cool, i have a tendency to just… jump in? i did that at his house while we were all playing poker… he warned me with a shush, and I should have stopped then, but oh no… I have to forget…

at some point, he left the table for just a minute, and came back. never said anything. and everything just continued as normal.. until he was talking, and true to form, i just… jumped in.

and he looked at me and said, “alright, chatty cathy….stick out your tongue…”

I looked at him, confused. He gave me the “look” and said, “Stick it out.” so i did.

At which point he reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a Clothespin. I barely have time to register what it is before he puts it on my tongue! So I’m sitting there, trying not to drool on my cards, and blushing hotly as everyone else talks AROUND me while I sit with my tongue clipped, and the clothespin sticking out of my now-silent mouth.

Needless to say, I watch when I talk now.

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