Bondage Rope Comes In Handy

It does, it truly does.

“I’m coming down to you,” shouted Sam, though how he hoped to help in that way he could not have said.

“No, no! wait!” Frodo called back, more strongly now. “I shall be better soon. I feel better already. Wait! You can’t do anything without a rope.”

“Rope!” cried Sam, talking wildly to himself in his excitement and relief. “Well, if I don’t deserve to be hung on the end of one as a warning to numbskulls! You’re nowt but a ninnyhammer, Sam Gamgee: that’s what the Gaffer said to me often enough, it being a word of his. Rope!”

“Stop chattering!” cried Frodo, now recovered enough to feel both amused and annoyed. “Never mind your Gaffer! Are you trying to tell yourself you’ve got some rope in your pocket? If so, out with it!”

“Yes, Mr. Frodo, in my pack and all. Carried it hundreds of miles and I’d clean forgotten it!”

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