Bondage Blog, Rebooted!

After a very long time without any changes to the template worth speaking about, I’ve just rejiggered things to bring Bondage Blog a little more up to date. The most notable changes are:

  • A search box at the top of the right sidebar to help you find stuff;
  • Fewer, larger, better-placed, more attractive ad zones, to make the advertising less ugly to you and more valuable to advertisers;
  • A wider template that allows me to post pictures bigger than 320 pixels wide, like the one below, to make the posts more attractive.

Please let me know in the comments if the changes have created any completely-broken display bugs in your browser (be sure to tell me what you’re running of course).

Thanks for your patience!

candles to encourage their lust

Image credit: Albert Dubout via Kinky Delight.

One comment on “Bondage Blog, Rebooted!”:

Nick commented on September 30th, 2010 at 10:45 pm:

I like it.

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